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Bodrum Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi is a vocational high school  in a small town located in the South West coast of Turkey.  It was founded in 1947 . It is the biggest Vocational high school in town. We have approximately 801 students and 61 teachers. It is a high school which students start  after Primary school which means  age of 13/14. Students take exam to study at a Vocational High School. Bodrum is a Touristic town and we have almost six - months season. The region offers 3S tourism to holiday makers. In the recent years Vocational schools have been playing very important role  educating and devoloping students' skills, not only their social skills but also thechnical and proffessional ones so that they can be fully qualified for their sectors. The growth and enlargement of sector, our school has had very important missions in our region. It is a vocational high school specializing in Hospitality and Tourism, Yachting, Nutrition- Food and Beverage, Child Care, Information Technologies, Beauty and Hair Dressing , Clothing Technology and Graphic-Photgraphy  both theoretical and practical to meet sectors' needs. Our students do study-internship in their filds either in summer or in school time working in sector. We aim to cooperate with activities between organisations working in the field of vocational education and training "VET". We reinforce our students in their working life, promote their skills, responding to the needs of the career sector, improve the qualication of teachers and trainers. In addition to these our students learn English and German as foreign languages besides their main subjects. Bodrum Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi ( BMTAL) has participated in different both international and national projects as coordinator or partner since 2005.  BTMAL sends and hosts staff and students on work placement and arranges study visits funded by LLP (earlier Leonardo, Comenius Partnership, now Erasmus+) and other programs.  BMTAL has had a Partner School project with a German school in which we share our experineces and good applications and put the cultures closer for 20 years. One of the last projects was called "Cooking in Colors". We worked with four European Countries. In this project not only the students of Nutrition- Food and Beverage department but also the students of other departments involved .We organized workshops where students could share their vocational experiences, cultural and social differences. During the workshops students improved their language skills and realized importance of not having prejudices against other cultures.An other Project we have just completed was Erasmus Plus KA1, VET Staf and Learners Mobility Project in which 16 of our staff and 20 of our students participated.It was an Erasmus KA1 project in which Students have had interneship at European enterprises and staff has a course of European Educational system. BMTAL has lately renewed the development plan of the school and all vocational departments according to the need of labour market and national education system. There is a strong need to look for future developments in labour market and in industry, including new technologies. There are tasks in development plan to work out competence-based short courses according to different partial competencies and use of different materials. The contact person started his career as an English teacher and has been working as a teacher of English  for more than seventeen  years . He has participated many school projects including European Union Projects such as Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Partner School since 2005 as both contact person and coordinator. He is responsible from the projects and he is the contact person the school sustaining currently.   The staff  and students involved in this Project use ICT  and many softwares  which can be used for gaining more profit from the project. The staff  have the ability of improving staff competences, new teaching methods or tools, European dimension, language competences, curriculum and the organization of teaching and learning. They have knowledge about strategic plan of the school/ institution, can make SWOT-analysis of the current situation, can make self-evaluation where tehy can find some information to identify school's needs, refer to external data, a report from his observation, look at internal or external audits, use formal and informal datum. They are responsible for providing both vocational theoretical knowledge and practical skills. They take care of the development of the students in a field of their future occupation. Foreign Language teachers are  experienced teachers,who are responsible for teaching the students vocational foreign languages they need in their career.They try to ensure the students use four language skills effectively.  Vocational and technical education staff educate the pupils as manpower for business and professional branches in line with the objectives of general secondary education and prepare them for tertiary education. To obtain all these objectives the education staff and school management need; to raise the quality of system to the level of EU and other developed countries , to update the provision of education in line with socio-economic requirements and principles of Lifelong Learning, to develope occupational standards and respective training standars via collaboration with the schools and teachers in Europe.Educational staff are expected to comply with European qualifications framework and bringing in Lifelong Learning concept and ıncrease their own quality since their mission is to  take care of the development of the students in a field of their future.

This project was approved and funded with the support of the European Commission. This website reflects only the views of the author/s and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information, contained therein. 

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